We are an independent publisher focused on the small book as aesthetic object. Materiality, design, and editorial perspective bring to life literary fiction, poetry, and essay in forms that enable new modes of perception and understanding.
We are interested in work that draws upon different aesthetic traditions but that can benefit from a simple, minimalist presentation. We are drawn to work that is distilled to its essence, that requires no decoration to convey its meaning, that is stylistically innovative, that has philosophical heft.
We attract readers for whom the material object of the book conveys meaning, those who notice the use of type, texture of paper, tactile quality of traditional printing methods – those who value the production value of a well made small book and for whom the reading experience is elevated by a book’s materiality.
We are open to submissions of short fiction (novella or shorter), poetry collections, and essay or near-fiction at novella length as well as hybrid works. We will consider illustrated works.
We welcome agented and un-agented submissions. Simultaneous submissions are fine. We read on a rolling basis. We will consider one submission per writer at a time.
Your submission should include:
1) A brief description of the manuscript and your intentions, 2) a brief author bio, 3) The first five pages of the manuscript or three poems.

Paste all into the body of your email addressed to hebgardner@gmail.com
Holly Ballard, Editor
Robert Gallerani, Designer
Jim Irwin, Printer

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